The following test sequences should only be actioned by a qualified electrician as they require the fitting to be open and the mains power to be live during the testing procedure.
Power Failure
Press and hold the test button and release after the buzzer sounds once. The main LED array will be lit in emergency mode, none of the indicators will be on.
Manual Monthly Check Function
Press and hold the test button and release after the buzzer sounds twice. The green LED indicator flashes every second, the main LED array will be lit in emergency mode. After the inspection of 2 minutes the fitting will return to normal operation.
Manual Annual Check Function
Press and hold the test button and release after the buzzer sounds three times. The green indicator will flash twice per second, the main LED array will be lit in emergency mode. After the inspection of 3 hours the fitting will return to normal operation. Should the battery discharge time be less than 3 hours then the red indicator will be on and the fault buzzer will sound twice then twice every minute.
Note: To return the fitting to normal operation at any time during the testing – Push the test button.
Full Year Test Function
Press and hold the test button and release after the buzzer sounds four times, the fitting will simulate one year cycle. The green indicator will flash five times per second. The LED array will be lit in emergency mode for 1 minute, and then the LED array will be lit in mains mode for 1 minute whilst the battery charges. Then the fitting will start the second monthly check of 1 minute by lighting the LED array in emergency mode.
This will do 4 cycles of this before simulating a semi-annual check by lighting the emergency LED array for 3 minutes, followed by 5 more monthly 1 minute checks and then a final simulated annual check of 3 minutes.
Note: To return the fitting to normal operation at any time during the testing – Push the test button.