Eterna Lighting’s Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
Our Definition
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a concept whereby we recognise that our business operations and processes may have an impact on social, economic, and environmental issues outside of the workplace. It also demonstrates our commitment to ensuring and maintaining socially responsible behaviour in our organisation.
Our Policy
We are aware that the running of our businesses will, in many ways, affect our place of work, the community and the wider environment in which we operate. We believe that the way we run our businesses can and should make a positive difference in these areas and we aim to ensure that continued authentic efforts are made to achieve that. We have aligned our policy with the environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria defined originally by the United Nations in the Principles for Responsible Investment in 2006, as well as our company objectives.
Our corporate social responsibilities are identifiable in the following areas:
We aim to:
Encourage personal development, education and training
Recognise success and loyalty
Provide a safe and healthy working environment
Reward our people fairly and equitably
Promote inclusivity and equal opportunities
Maintain an open and honest approach in all our communications
Support mental and physical health and wellbeing
Have robust processes to handle and store personal information
Promote our company values and behaviours including respect, integrity & positivity
We aim to:
Reduce the energy and water that we consume
Limit the waste that we produce, especially paper waste
Source energy from renewable sources, where possible
Recycle the waste products that we cannot yet eliminate
Consider the carbon impact of digital technology
Travel less and where unavoidable, travel sustainably
We require our suppliers to demonstrate:
Ethical working practices
Good working conditions and respect for their people
Excellent health, safety, environmental and quality standards
Good management systems and respect for personal data
Open and honest relationship
We aim to:
Support local businesses
Look after the local environment and minimise noise pollution
Support local charitable causes
Engage with local community initiatives
We aim to:
Share clear and honest information
Provide proactive response to customer feedback
Partner with our customers to help them to achieve their sustainability goals
We aim to:
Work towards increased sustainability as materials and new technologies become available
Produce reliable, long-lasting goods with replaceable parts where possible
Use recycled and recyclable materials in our products and our packaging
Minimise carbon miles and promote a sustainable Supply Chain